The machine used is the RM10S, which is manufactured by Med-Tronic - a German company.
The testing method is one of several used within the field of Bio-Electronic Regulatory Medicine (BER}. Using the fingers or toes, pressure is applied to the acupuncture pressure points to measure the body's resistance to over 100 samples including foods/non food items and a vitamin and mineral deficiency check.
The test is painless and non-invasive and results are instant. The client is given advice on eliminating any offending foods from their diet along with alternatives and supplementation may be recommended. Follow up appointments for a retest are usually made for 8/10 weeks after the initial test in order to monitor progress and to advise on the safe re-introduction of foods back into the diet where appropriate.
Unfortunately prospective clients with pacemakers or digital implants cannot be tested.
Mount Pleasant
High Street
North Yorkshire
BD23 1JZ
01756 796690
01756 796690
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